发布时间:2025-03-18 07:55:23 浏览次数:
2020年西班牙硕士申请你的材料准备好了吗? 今天牛学姐给大家带来的是推荐信的撰写攻略~

推荐信,英语是Reference Letter或者Letter of Recommendation西语是Carta de Referencia。 顾名思义,推荐信是他人认为你适合学某个专业,继而向大学推荐你的一份文件,因此,西班牙留学的推荐信不是自己写,而是要找一个推荐人来写。
推荐信应该找谁写呢? 一般有这么几个选项: ◢ 自己的老师可以选对自己比较了解,关系好的老师,这样推荐信的内容会更诚挚深入,也可以选自己学院的院长、教授等有头衔的人士帮你写。 ◢工作单位的领导最好是跟你目标专业相关的工作哦。不一定是老板,直属领导也可以。 ◢ 其他渠道认识的学术界、企业界牛人同样,也最好是跟你目标专业有关的。 ◢ 西班牙的语言学校老师,或国内认识的外教等好处是他们比较了解西班牙推荐信的写法,西语肯定没问题,但是一定要找老师或者有一些职务的,不是随便找个西班牙同学写就行哈。

不是所有西班牙大学都需要推荐信。一般来说,需要推荐信的主要是名校,以及商科。大家可以在各大学专业的官网看到这个专业申请是否需要推荐信。 有同学问,如果我想申请十几个专业,难道要准备十几封推荐信吗?老师不会给我写这么多的吧?其实这里有一个小窍门,就是你的推荐信里不一定要带你申请的具体学校专业的名字,写得泛一些,这样就可以通用啦。 一般我们建议大家准备两封推荐信,如果你认识多个牛人,或者你想申请多个方向(如语言和商科),那可以酌情多准备一两封。 但是真的并不需要针对每个专业准备不同的推荐信~

当然啦,实际操作中会有很多不同的情况。 ◢ 推荐人可以帮你写推荐信:如果你找的推荐人是西班牙老师,或者关系好的老师,可能老师会直接给你写好推荐信并签字,那么你要注意的就只是提前联系好老师,不要耽误申请就行。 ◢推荐人拒绝为你提供推荐信:如果发生了这种情况,赶紧去找下一个推荐人吧!大家确定推荐人的时候,要给自己留个“备选”哦! ◢推荐人要求你自己写内容:这种情况也是常有发生的,如果推荐人不了解你或者比较忙,那么就需要你写好内容再给推荐人签字。 ◢大学要求推荐人直接给学校发推荐信:个别名校是会有这样的要求的,那么你要跟老师沟通好,确保老师有给大学发推荐信,并且要按照学校给的地址和格式发哦。 ◢大学不需要推荐信:也有不少学校确实不强制需要推荐信,如果申请时有补充材料的入口,你可以把推荐信作为补充材料提供。

牛学姐已经在之前的文章里提到过,申请留学的材料切忌照抄或套模板,但大家还是可以参考一下西班牙留学推荐信的结构要求和范例: 西班牙硕士申请推荐信写作思路 1. 简要的自我介绍如:我是XX大学XX院系/专业的教授XX,或我是XX公司担任XX职务的XX,等 2. 简要介绍被推荐人如:姓名,于何时就读or就职于某学校/公司等基本情况,简单介绍被推荐人跟推荐人是怎样认识的,如同我一起工作,或上过我的XX课程之类 3. 阐述被推荐人的优点结合打算申请的专业和自身情况介绍被推荐人的优点,例如在校成绩优异、参加过哪些活动、担任过XX职务且表现突出、发表过学术论文、工作能力强、学习能力强等内容 4. 表明态度对被推荐人进行一个综合的概括评价,如综上所述,我认为XX适合读某一类专业,能够胜任在国外的留学生活,因此我推荐他申请blabla……希望贵校能够认真考虑他的申请等等。 推荐信应该写多长?

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this reference at the request of Alex Smith, who is applying for a Master program in your university. I have known Alex for two years as his scientific adviser and mentor.
During this time Alex Smith, he has showed himself as a promising young specialist and researcher. His major specialization is Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, but as an exception for academic achievements, Alex was allowed by our faculty to write his projects and degree thesis in the field of Cryptography under Computer Security and Applied Algebra Department.
As his mentor I have had an opportunity to observe the student's participation and overall progress. I would rate the student's overall performance as excellent, because he has got only excellent marks and has achieved marked results in different academic and student fields.
Alex Smith showed immense working efficiency and competitive knowledge and skills in his chosen field by having successfully self-studied some of majors of another specialization.
Alex’s 3rd year joint project “About effective elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem solution” contained interesting ideas and solutions of problems arising in Galua field arithmetic. While publication of student works is an unusual matter and is exclusive, a revised variant of his work is now in process of publication in XXXX State Technical University’s scientific journal. Alex is broad-minded and has interests in different areas of mathematics and computer science. He has an unusual thinking style and ability to combine methods and ideas from different disciplines.
This gained him success in ACM ICPC contests in our region and in international competitions, including 1rd and 2th places in ACM ICPC NEERC Western Subregional Contest in 2008 and 2007. Alex Smith is an initiative, hard-working and responsible student with high energy level. He is able to carry out big amount of work on his own and is always involved in some activity.
Right now Alex is preparing for a student science conference in XXXXXX with his work as a speaker from our University and is working on his next project, that is directly connected cryptography and parallel- and supercomputing under my supervision. Alex is actively involved in university’s life. He participates in various university volunteer arrangements and is a leader of a student study group, dedicated to programming and Microsoft technologies.
I evaluate Alex Smith as intelligent, dependable, dedicated person, who is ready to achieve his goals. I am positive, that Alex would be a tremendous asset to your program and I highly recommend him to you without reservation. If you have any further questions with regard to her background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Associate Professor Peter Johnson
State University Chair of Computer Security and Applied Algebra Department
Email address: xxxxx@gmail.com
Phone number: +1 123 456 789

Me complace indicar que conozco al Sr. ABC, portador del documento de identidad XXXXXX, y puedo dar fe de sus cualidades morales y alto espíritu de superación personal.
El Sr. ABC laboró bajo mi supervisión durante un período de dos a?os y medio, como Asistente de Ventas, y su desenvolvimiento resultó muy satisfactorio tanto para el firmante como para la compa?ía que representó.
Una de las principales cualidades del Sr. ABC, y que creo la hacen muy valiosa para cualquier empresa, es su gran disponibilidad para trabajar en equipo y su agradable don de gentes.
Vale indicar que la razón de su salida de esta empresa, dos meses atrás, se debió a razones familiares y por decisión propia.
Sé que Sr. ABC sabrá cumplir a cabalidad con las tareas que le fueren encomendadas, por lo que gustosamente la recomiendo.
Firmo para lo pertinente a los diecinueve días de enero de 2007, en la ciudad de XX
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Ejemplos de carta de recomendación.COM S.A. de C.V.
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